Here they come! I know, I know, another post about a parade but I just can't resist them. It's been at least a week since a parade has passed by so when I heard the distant tell tale sounds I scrambled off the sofa and actually tripped over my feet getting to the camera. Good thing I didn't hit my head though I can tell I will have a nice bruise on my leg tomorrow. But I got my pictures, so all's well that ends well.
I was surprised to see that this was a parade honoring the Traveling Child. It seems a little late for it and I wonder why it's taking place today. Notice how small the opening is on the windshield of the car in the photo above. That's what I call commitment to aesthetics!
It was actually quite a well organized parade, almost military in its precision, in spite of its lyrical instruments

and customary guy on stilts.
I love this shot.
And I found this sequence remarkable. There was a lovely strewing about of rose petals (notice the girl with the basket, on the upper left-hand corner),
which left behind this trail,
and a cleaning crew right behind, efficiently and almost obsessively picking up and disposing of every petal. OCD, Cuencano style!